Margaret by Moonlight
Margaret by Moonlight was a 1.4-square-mile visual tribute to Apollo 11 programmer Margaret Hamilton on the 50th anniversary of humanity's first voyage to the moon.
We created the tribute in the Mojave Desert at Ivanpah, the United States' largest solar plant. For one night in July 2019, we worked with the plant managers to re-program the plant's mirrored heliostats so they'd follow the moon instead of the sun. The result was the largest pixel display in the world, powered by moonlight.
My role
Led the team of 10 marketers and creatives who came up with, developed, and produced the activation.
Presented the project to senior-level stakeholders in Product, Engineering, and Marketing to earn their buy-in and secure resources.
Supervised production on-site, troubleshooting issues as they arose.
Collaborated with PR to craft the narrative around the project and pitch it to press.
Did all of the above in about 2.5 weeks.
Press: LA Times, CNN, Fox News, Business Insider, Popular Mechanics, CBS Local News
Social: Front page of Reddit
Awards: One Show Bronze Pencil in the Design and Experiential categories
Metrics: On launch day, search volume for "Margaret Hamilton" was 10x higher than the 6-month typical (Google Trends)